Unlock the Adventure

Entertainment – It’s a Serious Business

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Immersive experiences are set to explode in the theme park industry with the major players leading the way. To capture the hearts and minds of the digitally native generation, the latest attractions must be two things:

Wonderous immersive experiences where visitors can participate, connect, touch and control & shareable experiences that can be instantly posted via social media to friends and family in the online world.


Four reasons why Panasonic is your premier technology partner

Incredible range of projection

The latest immersive experiences must deliver new levels of wonder to keep the crowds entertained. With its wide range of projection capabilities - up to 50,000lm - Panasonic is the best technology partner when planning the next ride.

Lenses for every situation

Bring their imagination to life and put visitors at the heart of the action by using Panasonic's varied lens portfolio. Whatever the installation environment, including high and low ceilings, we have a wide range of lenses to suit every situation – bringing your audience closer than ever to the immersive content. 

The show must go on

With visitors expecting to be thrilled and entertained, the show must always go on and reliability is a critical consideration. All Panasonic laser projectors are designed to avoid a black out. Multi drive laser light sources ensure, the projector can still operate and the fail-safe input system​ ensures a switch to a back-up without loss of image. 

Customised service

We understand that theme parks have unique needs. As a result, Panasonic offers customised service options - whether that’s customised warranties or remote and onsite maintenance and servicing solutions – we have a unique service proposition for you.